Jun 22Liked by J.T. Ellison

I'm also in the middle of blowing a manuscript apart and using long hours in an empty hotel room to do so. (Why is that always the best way?) Godspeed!

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It’s the lack of responsibilities. Allows the brain room to maneuver in a different way. Godspeed to you as well!

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Absolutely! The freedom of being somewhere nobody knows you is just an invaluable resource

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Jun 22Liked by J.T. Ellison

Try Sandwich by Catherine Newman. It’s a short read but a total gem!!

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Thank you! A short read is just what the doctor ordered!

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Jun 21Liked by J.T. Ellison

My list for the week:

Come With Me by Ronald Malfi

Malas by Marcela Fuentes

The Memorist by M.J. Rose

The Off Season by Amber Cowie

Old Soul by Susan Barker

This Wretched Valley by Jenny Kiefer

Wretched Waterpark by Kiersten White

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Fabulous as always!

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Oooh. What nuclear detonation was in “Her Dark Lies”?!? That was such an unputdownable book.

I just finished “Summer Romance” by Annabel Monaghan, which was such a straightforward delight. I finished “Ink and Bone” by Lisa Unger right before that and loved it (of course). My Libby hold for “The Midnight Feast” by Lucy Foley just came through. I’m super excited for the next Riley Sager—I’m a big fan.

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I also loved SUMMER ROMANCE!!

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It was so lovely. I didn’t know what to expect, other than I’d seen a couple people recommend it. I loved how human the story felt. The slow realization on Ali’s part about how she gave up her voice in her marriage, and her anger with her mom (and the forgiveness she gave her mom’s voice)—it really stuck with me.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Author

Oh I forgot Midnight Feast - that looks like fun, too! Lucy's wedding on the island book was announced right when I was finishing HDL, so I had to have people read her draft and make sure they weren't the same (it wasn't, but that premise was pretty similar.)

I rewrote that book seven times to get it just right. What if Rebecca wasn't dead... a fun premise and hard to pull off. I'm looking for the essay I wrote about it and can't find it, but it was names and frames and all kinds of things. But the harder you have to work for it, right???

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Wow, that is a serious amount of work. I’ve read LF’s island wedding book too (The Guest List, I think?) and they don’t stand out as similar at all, but of course I get the desire to make sure.

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Yeah, it was a fraught moment for sure. Same publisher, too.

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Oh, man. That’s so rough. I’m so glad you persevered, though, because Her Dark Lies was captivating.

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I loved She’s Not Sorry, especially because it takes place in my city. I thought she made Chicago its own character, if that makes sense.

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That's one of the things she does so well!

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Jun 21Liked by J.T. Ellison

I didn't read one book! Not one. With the kids home and the hubs off for Juneteenth I had to shift my priorities. So, I did the opposite of Olivia Day Wallace and edited instead of read. I will finish my first round of editing today. Yay!! It's been a long time coming. I guess I had to learn what my own process of writing was and to TRUST it. It only took me twelve years to get here.

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Good for you, Rachael!!! That's really exciting news!

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by J.T. Ellison

I also took a break this week…but the other way around. My TBR list has been gnawing at me—now I own too many books I haven’t read. Between that and feeling down on my own writing, I decided to take majority of this week as a reading week. I’ve done some writing here and there - will reach my writing goal for the week by tomorrow, but it was a low goal specifically for this reason.

So far this week I’ve read:





Today I will finish


This weekend I’m hoping to get to:

GAME OF LIES by Clare Mackintosh

A LOVELY LIE by Jaime Lynn Hendricks

BAD MEN by Julie Mae Cohen

It’s been nice to be reminded that I actually really enjoy reading stories and that it’s okay to take a break from the gas pedal and enjoy the scenery.

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I love to hear this. I have July slated for a lot of reading on the beach to try and catch up. Sometimes we just need a week off to read!

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I just read my first Alex Finlay a couple weeks ago and really enjoyed it. Off to place a hold on “If something happens to me”!

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Yay! Which one did you read previously?

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"Every Last Fear." I definitely needed to suspend my belief a little more than usual, but I was totally into it.

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Oh yeah, IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO ME has a pretty similar vibe to EVERY LAST FEAR. Both are really fun and engaging

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Jun 21Liked by J.T. Ellison

I read Lisa Gardner's book so besides hers is there one that you loved the most? I'm looking for recs.

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As far as the books I've read this week, I liked IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO ME the most I think. They are all great but that was another really great adventure thriller.

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I really enjoy her Frankie Elkin series. The adventures the character gets into are so unique that every story feels like a standalone adventure thriller. The latest one referenced stuff the last two books but since I could barely remember them it didn't phase me too much and it was still enjoyable.

I think I've read one of her DD Warren novels as well, but can't remember which one.

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Jun 21Liked by J.T. Ellison

If you like Frankie Elkin, you might like her DD Warren stories that deals with Flora Dane. One of my all-time favorites of her stories. It starts with the book, LOOK FOR ME. Frankie reminds me a bit of Flora.

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21Liked by J.T. Ellison


Why won’t this thing let me edit?!! 🤦🏻‍♀️

Edited: Okay - I guess you can if you're on your computer instead of the app. hahaha

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Jun 21Liked by J.T. Ellison

It’s been a slightly different week. We only had summer school 3 days this week, since we were off for Juneteenth on Wednesday. My Friday off this week is going to be spent packing to house/dog sit for the next 10 days. I also have training to complete for school. So unfortunately I won’t have tons of reading time today, but I started the incredible Wanda Morris’s What You Leave Behind last night and 3 chapters in and I am HOOKED! Shadowheart is sooo good. A great addition to the series.

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Awesome - have so much fun dog sitting!!! I know the owners are so grateful for you! :)

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Jun 21Liked by J.T. Ellison

I lived in Chicago in the early 1990s...it's such a cool city...although I think the traffic would drive me crazy now!

I finished THE LAST DAYS OF THE MIDNIGHT RAMBLERS by Sarah Tomlinson. This was an excellent book. It's almost as if Taylor Jenkins Reids books DAISY JONES and THE SEVEN HUSBANDS OF EVELYN HUGO had a baby and this is that book!

FIND ME IN CALIFORNIA by Kerry Lonsdale. This was also incredibly good. I read it in 24 hours?!? It's a wild ride...little mystery, glimpses into the past...interesting storyline.

ICON & INFERNO by Marie Lu. This is the second in the series. It was good, although I think I liked the first book better. Undercover organization and a rock star....enough said.

Summer is officially here and so is the HOT weather in southeast Nebraska...it's supposed to be 100 on Mon!

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I love Chicago, but it's a lot easier to be a visitor, I think. We were tucked away in a quiet spot off Wacker, and really enjoyed that little slice of the city we were in. Great list, too!!!

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Jun 22Liked by J.T. Ellison

Chicago is a great mass transit city. I never miss having a car there when we visit. Nashville is so behind the times on that one.

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True…but we’re a tenth of the size, too.

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I read the first book in the series by Marie Lu and loved it, but the second one didn't grab me as much too.

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I was wondering if I was being too critical of the 2nd book but I was underwhelmed.

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I thought the same thing, but with you echoing my thoughts I think that is a good word for it.

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