I wrote up a post but I must have not clicked on the button. I've done this before....I must be getting ofd!

I read YOULL NEVER FIND ME by Aliison Brennan. I like this new series.

I also read SHATTERING DAWN by JAK. I just watched the zoom you 2 did together. It was wonderful. I've been reading JAK for around 40 years!

We had our work holiday party today. There's 6 of us and we each painted the same thing with some guidance. It's amazing how different each of them were and how good they actually were!

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Hi Amy—I think Substack is glitching today. You’re not the first who had an issue.

Your party sounds great! I’ve always wanted to do a painting party.

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Congrats on the 10k words!!! Momentum on a new project always feels good. I hope your dad and you both enjoy Onyx Storm. I'm so looking forward to it. Ever since Twitter turned into X, my social media time has been declining until recently. As I was reading your post, I realized that I really hadn't missed it and am thinking of staying off it for a while. I do feel better when I'm not endlessly scrolling, but that being said, I feel so out of the loop.

I reread Karin Slaughter's FALLEN for some homework. Still an excellent read. I also read THE NOTHING MAN by Chatherine Ryan Howard. Quite the read. I enjoyed it immensely.

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You've chosen two excellent authors to learn from. Karin is absolutely fire. and Catherine is amazing too.

Momentum is everything. I can't believe how much poured out, but I think I've been holding back for a while, too. I do feel out of the loop, but hey, if there's something really important, we will be aware, I'm sure.

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Congratulations on the start of the new book!

Here's this week's list:

The Drowning by J. P. Smith

The Eyes Are the Best Part by Monika Kim

A Good House for Children by Kate Collins

Haunt Sweet Home by Sarah Pinsker

Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman

Mine by Delilah S. Dawson

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Happy Friday, friend! You're on a roll with the horror lite, aren't you? Have you seen Emily Carpeter's GOTHICTOWN yet? It's going to be a smash hit...

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Gothictown was really good!

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Currently reading YOU’LL NEVER FIND ME by Allison Brennan. It’s set in the Phoenix area, so I recommended it to my mother-in-law who lives out there.

I am terrible at Canva but really like Book Brush as an alternative.

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Allison is one of the best writers out there, hands down. So consistently good!!!

Awww, don't give me another one to go look at...LOL

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