Aww this is me. I look at plants and they die. Recently grew Lewisia cotyledon Elise and was so proud. One thunderstorm later and she looks very ill. Our parlour palm is struggling regardless of regular spritzing. The succulents are all alive, just. πŸ˜•

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May 29, 2023Liked by J.T. Ellison

I love color in the yard. I really can appreciate the work that makes the flowers come out. I’m just not good at it. I finally figured out what to do. Bottle trees. I have three trees in the front flower bed. Two are filled with cobalt bottles, another one with red. Instant color and I only have to worry about a stray tree limb breaking one or two every so often. 😜

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May 13, 2023Liked by J.T. Ellison

I just got two hanging baskets with geraniums in them... already my husband has had to remind me to water them twice πŸ˜…

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May 13, 2023Liked by J.T. Ellison

Go, little apple seeds, grow! I have faith. xx

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LOVE this beautiful post! And I don't think you're on a fool's errand. I believe we were made to grow things. It's important. That is part of how WE stay immortal.

Two thoughts. First, you can grow those fruit trees. How do I know? Because I have two happy little lemon trees on my deck that were germinated and potted by my mother. (The trick is to swish the seed around your mouth for a minute or so before wrapping in damp paper towel. I gather the enzymes in your mouth break down the outer shell of the seed). Second, you can keep those beautiful flowers with you forever. Just mulch them after they've died and add them to your existing beds. They want to go back to the earth, after all. That's what they were made for.

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May 12, 2023Liked by J.T. Ellison

This was so lovely! My husband is also the god of the greenery, I follow in his wake. Miss you!

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May 12, 2023Liked by J.T. Ellison

I love plants, too, and yet cannot keep them alive. I managed once to kill a Devil's Ivy. I lost count of how many African violets and ficus trees met their fated end at my hands. I joke that if my state (NC) ever wants to kill off all the kudzu within its borders, all they have to do is put me in charge of keeping alive. :(

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I once tried to grow an acorn mini plant. I failed. 😞 ~ I love plants. Flowers. Nature. But have no gardening skills.

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