Mar 1Liked by J.T. Ellison

Congratulations again and again on the double noms! It’s such a huge honor and SO well-deserved, my dear!

I am halfway through my bookshelf refresh, and have one shelf devoted to the books I was gifted/recommended but haven’t yet read. Up first is Gail Caldwell’s Let’s Take The Long Way Home, a memoir of her friendship with the late writer, Caroline Knapp, author of Drinking: A Love Story. It’s beautiful and devastating, best read in small, emotional bits. Just finished the audio of a post-apocalyptic novel, The Second Sleep by Robert Harris. Fabulous premise, and excellent writing, but I felt let down by the soft ending. Still, worth a read for post-apocalyptic fans.

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Mar 1Liked by J.T. Ellison

Congratulations on the nominations, JT. Well deserved. I can't read different books at once, unless one is non-fiction. Busy working through Self Editing for Fiction Authors - Renni Brown and Dave King. If I find a book hard work, I'll leave it for a year and move onto another one.

Recently finished Field of Graves by a little know author, JT Ellison. (Ha ha.) Kendra Elliot's At the River, and James Holland's, Sicily '43. I love Taylor and the gang! At the River had me glued to my iPad until I finished the book. Sicily '43 is one of the most authoritative and detailed books written on the invasion and conquest of the island by the Allies.

Lined up for my week's reading (going away this weekend), Mark Greaney - Chaos Agent; Lisa Regan - Face Her Fear; Jennifer Chase - The First Girl.

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Wow! Congratulations on the nominations, J.T. - that's fantastic!

I'm looking forward to your upcoming post on Resistance! This week I started my annual reread of the War of Art since it occurred to me, last weekend, that's a bit of what I've been mucking about with, lately.

Thanks for the link to the Einstein speech, off to read that now. Can't wait for Cal's new book!

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Mar 1Liked by J.T. Ellison

Amazing authors!

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Mar 1Liked by J.T. Ellison

What an honor to be nominated...congrats!!

The whole Sarah J Maas thing really makes me mad. Did you see where Rebecca Yarros did an interview on CBS Mornings? It was all about the Romantsy phenomenon. It was a great interview. It's amazing how much money people spend on romance novels and how little credit the authors receive (case on point, Sarah J Maas). I remember that you had said your Dad reads Maas and I LOVE it!

I've been meaning to watch Einstein and the Bomb and this is my kick in the pants to do it...haha

My week has been consumed with all things Abby Jimenez and Drs appts.

I read 2 of her books. Part of Your World and Yours Truely. They were both great books and laugh out loud funny. I just started The Friend Zone. Jimenez is a new to me author and just what I needed right now!

It was a great week personally!

My last 2 drains were removed and that meant I could SHOWER. Not being able to shower for 15 days was daunting....at least I was working from home and not really going anywhere. Other good news...my pathology came back and it was stage 0, which means it was caught super early and no further treatment is needed. Cancer is a roller coaster ride and I'm definitely on a "high" right now!

On that note....everyone PLEASE go in for annual check ups. Women go in for Mammograms when you get to that age. These SIMPLE things could literally save your life!!

I'll get off my soap box now. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!

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Of course all of the library requests came in at the same moment so it will be a marathon weekend of Bride by Ali Hazelwood and Every Summer After by Carley Fortune. Plus all the books due back soon!

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Mar 1Liked by J.T. Ellison

Congratulations again on the nominations!! I'm hoping they turn into wins. Also, I'm glad your mom had a successful surgery and is on the mend. I happened to see the peaches analogy on the substack feed, and it spoke to my soul too. Sometimes, I feel I complicate things when they don't need to be. Most likely due to my need to control the outcome of situations, which of course I can't control. All I can do is put in the work and live my life my way.

I had a busy first part of the week and wasn't able to start any new books until yesterday and man what a fun ride. I'm reading Sarah J Maas' book A COURT OF THORNS AND ROSES. I wish I hadn't waited so long to jump on it, but it means I don't have to wait for all the books to be written and can binge.

I can't wait to hear what you think of Jesse Q. Suntanto's new thriller book. I'd been wondering about it since you mentioned her in your post.

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Mar 1Liked by J.T. Ellison

Congratulations on the nominations! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

The Dead Take the A Train by Cassandra Khaw and Richard Kadrey

Island Witch by Amanda Jayatissa

Her Majesty's Royal Coven by Juno Dawson

The Lesbiana's Guide to Catholic School by Sonora Reyes

Strange Sally Diamond by Liz Nugent

The City of the Living by Nicola Lagioia

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Mar 1Liked by J.T. Ellison

Congratulations! That's incredible news and I'm so happy for you. Also very intrigued by the idea of SLOW PRODUCTIVITY. That sounds like the antidote to everything.

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FYI... I'm having a glitch on the backend and I can't reply to comments individually. I've sent a note to Substack and they're working on it.

Brandee, I have Liz's book - I would love to hear your thoughts. I was going to read it at the beach and got sidetracked...

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Mar 1Liked by J.T. Ellison

So glad surgery was a success. Nerve things are ouchy. I was SOO excited when I saw It’s One of Us and These Cold Strangers were nominated for Thriller awards!! I don’t usually love a short story, I like some of them a lot but very rarely am I just blown away by one. But that how I feel about These Cold Strangers!!! I have a few short stories left in Bobby Matthews collection and then I’m going to start Hank Phillippi Ryan’s One Wrong Word.

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Congratulations! (I somehow missed this one... so behind with Substack.) I want you to win! 🏆

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